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In talking to friends about their Thanksgiving stories, I began to become even more curious about people’s relationships, attachments, and personalities. 

Why are we so attached to some family members, but not to others?

Why do we feel safe around some people, but want to avoid or run
away from others?

Why are some of us so uptight about cooking, while others can do it
with ease?

Why do we sometimes crave solitude while other times love being in
a large group?

I have found that one of the greatest times of year to take a deeper look into our choices, our triggers, and even our own souls, is over the holidays.

That makes this the perfect time to listen to attachment style expert Dr. Diane Poole Heller this week on the Cracking Open podcast!

Diane Poole Heller, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized speaker, author and expert in the field of attachment theory and trauma resolution.

This episode is going to blow your mind. Diane teaches us about the four different attachment styles: secure, avoidant, ambivalent, and disorganized. These are styles that we pick up in childhood and carry subconsciously into our adult behaviors.

Not only do we go deeply into each attachment style, but we also discuss Diane’s near-death experience, the power of hugging and playing, strategies for coping with, and healing, unresolved trauma, and how to recognize that there are lots of ways to love one another.

Her signature approach—DARe (Dynamic Attachment Re-patterning experience)—provides therapists and individuals with relevant skills and practical exercises that facilitate healing from attachment and trauma wounds.

Diane is also the author of three books: The Power of Attachment: How to Create Deep and Lasting Intimate Relationships, a practical guide to restoring and reconnecting with our innate secure attachment as adults; Crash Course, on accident trauma; and the audiobook, Healing Your Attachment Wounds: How to Create Deep and Lasting Relationships.

Her film, Surviving Columbine, aired on CNN and supported community healing after the Columbine High School shootings.

Diane’s training programs, books, lectures, and work as a therapist have helped countless people in their healing journey toward experiencing greater intimacy, wholeness, and more fulfilling relationships.

Not only will you walk away from this episode with helpful information about your attachment style, but you will also gain practical tips and tools on how to manage your emotions when you get triggered by the holidays, your family members, and yes – even different cooking styles.



Learn more about Dr. Diane Poole Heller here

Find out your adult attachment style here


Learn more about Molly Carroll here

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