The Podcast
Season 6 is availble now

The Cracking Open Podcast
Hi, I’m your host, Molly Carroll.
Join me every other week as I share the stories of thought leaders and spiritual teachers, actors and athletes, parents, and prophets’ on how their “cracking open” moment; the death of a loved one, getting thrown in jail, being bullied in grade school, or hitting rock bottom with an addiction changed their life forever and will change yours too.
So get comfy in a chair and grab yourself a cup of tea, or buckle up while driving and listen while we dive deep to what it means to crack open and forever be transformed. Listen now.

For years I have seen people crack open through loss, divorce, addiction and trying to find more light in their lives and I realized even though it is painful and uncomfortable it is these cracking open moments that changed their lives forever. So I wanted to start a podcast where I asked each of my guests “What was your cracking open moment and how did it change you forever?” And it is this one question that brought us and everyone listening to feel more connected to each other, less alone, combat shame and know it is the cracking open that brings the light into our lives.
My Guests
People ask, how do you pick your guests? I follow my gut every time. I hear a story on a podcast, read an article or a friend shares something with me on a walk about someone’s Cracking open moment. And I just know I need to talk to them and need my listeners to hear their stories of loss and love, hard times and hope and tragedy and triumph. I love to explore the process and depth of the journey of life and I know you will too!
“I found myself saying and thinking things that were new, which is so refreshing.” – Anthropologist, Wade Davis, Podcast Guest, Episode 53

Distinguished Guests

Suneel Gupta
Author & Visiting Scholar at Harvard Medical School on Discovering Your Dharma

Brian Burns
TV Movie Writer & Executive Producer, Opens Up About Friendship, Grief, Sobriety & The Power of Following Your Own Path

Dr. Dan Siegel
UCLA School of Medicine Professor - on Using Science to Bring More Compassion Into the World

Elizabeth Lesser
Super Soul Sunday Guest & New York Times Best Selling Author Uncovering How Birth & Death Can Be Our Greatest Teachers

Gina Muñoz
Trevor Project's Board Chair Teaches Us How Accepting Our Sexuality Means Accepting Our True Selves

Shaka Senghor
Through 19 Years in Prison, Telling the Truth & Vulnerability Gave Him Freedom
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