Feeling Stuck?

It’s Your Time To Get Unstuck

A 3-Month Cracking Open Coaching Program
with Molly Carroll, MA, LPC

Does this sound familiar?

Feeling Stuck and Frustrated

You wake up in the morning, eyes barely open, and the loop of worrying thoughts begin – am I enough?? Am I smart enough, skinny enough, a good enough parent or partner?  

You are someone that buys $300 soccer cleats for your kid but you are wearing running shoes with holes in them (my personal story).

You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and you ask, “Who am I?”  You feed your kids healthy and organic meals, but you just quickly grab food off the counter to eat in the car as you drive them to their next activity. 

You are stuck in a job that you hate and are unfulfilled in but have no idea how to quit or what you would do next.

You put everyone and everything else first, including your ongoing “to-do” list that never includes doing anything for yourself.

You catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and ask, “Who am I?” 

AND you may have already spent tons of money on self-help workshops, gone to therapy, practiced yoga, listened to podcasts on self-improvement, run marathons and still feel STUCK. 

The truth is that 90% of people come to me as a therapist, coach, and corporate speaker because they feel STUCK.

You are not alone – I was there too.

I had done all these things – therapy for years, workshops with Tony Robbins, read hundreds of self help books – heck, I even traveled to India and met the Dalai Lama! Then I would come home and fall back into my old patterns of worrying, staying busy, and looking to others to validate whether I was a good or bad person. 

There was a voice in my head saying, “Molly, these are all good things but there is something strongly missing.” 

So I took the time and gathered all my experiences – years of therapy, self-help workshops, books, podcasts, healing circles, acupuncture, plant medicine, neuropsychology work with Dan Siegel and travels around the world to find the missing ingredients to finally find real and long-lasting change.


“The personal growth I’ve experienced in Molly’s coaching and the tools that I’ve gathered will no doubt provide an exceptionally strong platform for future life adventures!” 

~ Michelle Mitchell, Founder of Humm Kombucha

I discovered is the key to getting unstuck comes down to these four things:

Awareness, Consistency, Accountability, and Community

And that is exactly what you get inside the It’s Your Time to Get Unstuck 3-Month Coaching Program.


  • Waking up to looking deeper into your life of what is working and what is not working.  Asking yourself,“Where am I being honest with myself about my wellness, job, relationships, parenting, and life?”
  • Getting clarity on what you want in your life to be healthier, more successful, content and joyful


  • Weekly 1.5-hour live Zoom group coaching sessions to learn new ways of living, be seen for who you are, and brainstorm and share your life.
  • Three 1:1 sessions with Molly. I will personally hold your hand as a therapist and coach to make sure you stay honest with yourself from your comparing mind, old trauma, and look deeper into your addictive thoughts to get unstuck and not fall back into your old addictive ways that are not serving you anymore.
  • Private Slack channel and Private member site.
  • Weekly check-ins to help you stay on the path forward
  • Guest speakers to help you grow


  • One theme/goal that you choose to work on throughout the program
  • As a therapist, I will keep you accountable for real change and not relapse into your old ways through weekly “homework”, setting goals and check-ins on reaching your goals.


  • I only accept 10 people per group to ensure that we create an intimate community (and not one of those online programs where you feel like you are 1 in a 100 and insignificant).
  • A safe place to land – a place to go each week to get connection with other supportive, inspiring women who don’t judge or gossip because they believe “when one boat rises we all rise”.
  • Comprehensive approach of neuroscience, cognitive behaviors, practical tips & tools, meditation, reflection, and curiosity to achieve and embody the results you want
  • Compassionate exploration into your core wounds, decisions, and patterns of behavior that don’t serve you anymore, and learn how to release and redirect your energy in a healthier way



“Molly’s true gift is to bring light to those darkest places that we hide even from ourselves. She helped me shift the narrative of my life story and gain clarity about my life’s work. Through her guidance, I came to see that my journey to recovery began long before my ex’s betrayal…it began with early childhood abuse that I’d never felt free to talk about publicly. Molly gave me permission to begin sharing my story and to stop protecting those who’d hurt me.”

– Jenni Rochelle


I’m in my second round of the 3-month coaching program with Molly and all I can say is it’s life-changing. Molly and the women in this program have helped me feel like I’m not alone and have been instrumental in helping me out of being stuck and I’ll admit it – being just plain scared. I’ve started the healing process for not only recent events but also deep inner child work. I feel lighter, more centered, and confident in just being me. Thank you Molly!”

– Julia McPherson, entrepreneur and mom

Results you can look forward to:

  • Waking up in the morning feeling more alive and excited for your day.
  • Stronger connections to your children, partner, family and friends.
  • Increased success financially, emotionally, physically and mentally.
  • Healing old stories around money, shame, and not being enough in order to live the life you want to live.
  • Accountability to follow through with a passion project, new job, getting healthier in your body and finally doing what you want and need to do for YOU!
  • Participating in an amazing community of women without judgment, competition, or jealousy

I am ready to get unstuck from my old ways and begin the next chapter of my life!

About Molly

Molly Carroll, MA, LPC is a licensed therapist and professional coach who holds a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology. She is a non-fiction writer, educator, and founder and director of the social-emotional curriculum Flourish. Molly has over 25 years of experience in education and mental health.

Molly published her artistic self-help journal Cracking Open in 2015 and published her second book, Trust Within: Letting Intuition Lead, by Grand Harbor Press in October 2017 around trusting and following your intuition.  Molly’s 2015 and 2019 TED talks were widely viewed.  Molly conducts popular retreats throughout the United States, Mexico and Costa Rica. She is a successful public speaker for corporations such as Apple, Delta Dental, Lifesize and LinkedIn.  

“Why would you want to leave your world of comfort, ‘rock your emotional boat,’ and enter into a world of mystery? I believe something drew you to this coaching program and it means your heart is ready to crack open and you are ready to find the inspiration, tools, support, and guidance you need to change yours. life. You are ready to BE something more and by entering this coaching program you will BE a better leader, parent, partner, friend, and soul.”

– Molly Carroll, from the book Cracking Open


“Working with Molly and the group has allowed me a space to look at how my patterns have limited my potential. Being able to see & work toward what is possible for my life, career & happiness has been a game changer.” 

~ Peggy Zier, Digital Marketing Owner

Frequently Asked Questions

When are the coaching calls?

Typically, calls are on Wednesdays from 9:00-10:30 am Pacific Time. However, that may be subject to change when the next round is open.

What if I miss a call?

All calls are recorded and posted in our member site for review.

How long will I have access?

Our member site is where the video recordings will be loaded after each call and available downloads.

After our 3 months together, all of the coaching calls, downloads and expert calls will be moved to a special archive page just for your group. You will have lifetime program access and if I stop offering this coaching program, I will give you ample notification so you may download anything you need.

Do you take insurance? What if I'm a business owner?

As a mental healthcare provider, I can offer you receipts for your insurance and a W2 for a business tax write-off.

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