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For months now my team has been encouraging me to do a solo podcast episode where I talk, teach, and just riff about life, parenting, psychology, and anything else that I am inspired by that may also resonate with our listeners.
I initially had a lot of resistance to this idea.  Maybe it was the mixture of fear and the choir of voices telling me, “Who would want to listen to just me, and what would I talk about for an hour that would be interesting to the Cracking Open audience?”

But then my dear friend (and episode 9 podcast guest) Tory Junkin offered to interview me and I knew immediately that it was a resounding YES.

I have to tell you – this is by far the most vulnerable and honest I have ever been in public.

With Tory’s loving guidance, we talk about what I have learned from interviewing guests for 35 podcast episodes (and counting!) and how I am drawn to my guests’ vulnerability but am honestly scared to show my own.

Tory asks poignant and direct questions about what I have learned as a therapist – about victimhood and being too attached to the stories that don’t serve us anymore, while also touching on the power of surrendering to true forgiveness.

As Marianne Williamson has said, “As long as I hold back forgiveness, I hold back my own healing as well.”

Join us as we discuss the ups and downs of parenting, how I still catch myself numbing out when I am in grief over the loss of my parents, how our judgmental minds can separate us from true connection, and what is inspiring me about life right now. 

Ultimately through our back-and-forth conversation, we explore the art of accepting, understanding, and processing emotions in order to experience a transformative life.

And I must say, not once during our interview did my fearful voices come in. In fact, I feel incredibly confident this is an episode that you will learn a lot about and will love listening to.

A huge thank you to my Cracking Open team for believing in me and encouraging me, and to Tory for knowing how to make me feel safe enough to walk in my truth with you all.



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