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Does this time of year bring up conflicting emotions for you? I know it does for me.

I truly love buying gifts for my friends and family, attending holiday parties, and listening to Nat King Cole sing Christmas carols in all my favorite stores. But at the same time, I also carry around a pit in my stomach from the overconsumption of too many Christmas cookies and wine, and also from spending so much money!

This leads me to often ask myself, “In all this holiday rigmarole, is something missing?”

One morning while sitting in silence, I heard in response, “Yes, something is missing, and it is presence.” Gulp.


We all know that presence is hard to come by this time of year with the busyness of the holiday season, as we attend parties and performances, wrap up year-end work deadlines, and check off our “to-do” lists.

But what I’m realizing is that our presence truly makes the best presents of all.

So I am gifting you the presence of this week’s special podcast guest, Candace Blair.

Candace has been teaching Kundalini for over 10 years, is an experienced sound healer, a certified “Cacaoista”, a shamanic reiki practitioner & a lead coach for the “Alchemy of Becoming” methodology.

But her story was not always one of yoga and meditation. Achieving what she thought was the American dream as a high-salary finance executive on the trading floors in Zurich and London, she was caught up in a lifestyle of drinking, smoking, and partying, while also going through a challenging divorce.

When severe back pain brought her to tears on the trading room floor, Candace realized that she needed to stop her destructive lifestyle and uncover what was missing from her life. Thus began her transition from an unhealthy life of chaos and imbalance, into a new life filled with harmony, healing, and peace.

In this Cracking Open Podcast episode, Candace not only shares her story of stepping into her true self with patience and love, but she teaches us about the amazing healing practices of Kundalini yoga, reiki, sound healing, and cacao ceremonies – all healing modalities that can help us heal our physical and emotional pains, and also bring us back to our breath, our hearts, and yes – our presence.

As a very special gift for all of you, Candace performs the most beautiful crystal bowl sound healing at the end of the episode that will open your heart to receive more love, release trapped emotions in your body, elevate your mind, and
raise your consciousness to experience more JOY.

Candace is a gift to us all, and this episode is my gift to you. May it inspire you to be more present during this wonderful and busy time of year.

I am so deeply grateful for each and every one of you.

Merry Everything and Happy Always! See you next year!



Learn more about Candace Blair here

Check out Candace’s upcoming events here


Learn more about Molly Carroll here

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